All 2015

Specific SSRIs and birth defects: bayesian analysis to interpret new data in the context of previous reports. 

Reefhuis J et al; BMJ. 351:h3190 (2015).  Update

Bayesian analysis of expanded data set from National Birth Defects Prevention Study suggests some birth defects occur 2-3.5 times more frequently among the infants of women treated with paroxetine or fluoxetine early in pregnancy. Study also found no associations between sertraline and birth defects

Environmental Impact on Breast Development and Disease. Reproductive Toxicology 54, (2015). 

Special Issue.

Effect of maternal diabetes on the embryo, fetus, and children: Congenital anomalies, genetic and epigenetic changes and developmental outcomes.

Asher Ornoy et al. Birth Defects Research C 105: 53-72 (2015).  Update and review.

Cystic fibrosis: A look into the future of prenatal screening and therapy.

Kevin Nishida et al. Birth Defects Research C 105: 73-80 (2015).  Update and review.

Maternal occupational exposure to ionizing radiation and major structural birth defects 

Hyeyeun Lim et al. Birth Defects Research A 103: 243–254 (2015)

Topiramate use during pregnancy and major congenital malformations in multiple populations 

Patricia Tennis et al., Birth Defects Research A 103: 269–275. (2015)

Thrombosis during pregnancy Birth Defects Research

C 105 (3): 157-225. 

Review issue including original research discussing epidemiology and outcomes.

Maternal occupational pesticide exposure and risk of congenital heart defects in the national birth defects prevention study. 

Rocheleau et al., Birth Defects Research A 103 (10): 823-833. 

Maternal occupational exposure to pesticides was not associated with CHDs overall.

Effect of maternal and treatment-related factors on the prevalence of birth defects after PESA-ICSI and TESE-ICSI: a retrospective cohort study.

Meijerink et al., Acta obstet gyn Scan 94: 1245-53. 

Retrospective cohort study of 406 newborns born after PESA-ICSI and 237 born after ESE-ICSI revealed no significant treatment-related increase in prevalence of birth defects.

Maternal and foetal outcomes in pregnant systemic lupus erythematosus patients: an incident cohort from a stable referral population followed during 1990-2010

Jakobsen et al. Scan J. Rheum 44:377-84.  

Cohort study of 84 pregnancies in 39 women showed significantly higher rates of premature delivery, caesarean section, hypertension, and IUGR. Disease activity increased. Presence of antiphospholipid antibody increased spontaneous abortion risk threefold